Book- Unarmed Defense for the American Soldier - FM 21-150 US Army Basic Field Manual (1942 World War II Civilian Reference Edition)

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The Historic World War II Army Handbook on Military Hand-To-Hand Combat and Self-Defense

Build your library with this unabridged, high-quality World War II Civilian Reference Edition facsimile reissue of the official Unarmed Defense for the American Soldier - FM 21-150 Basic Army Field Manual, 1944 release.

This historic unclassified civilian reference edition manual features principles of hand-to-hand combat and self defense for soldiers during World War II.

Contents include defense-focused historic reviews of hand-to-hand fighting and training principles with multiple illustrations, including escapes, body hold evasion, choke hold defenses, kick defenses, taking prisoners and incapacitating enemies, defending against knife and sword, defenses against blunt weapons and clubs, defense against firearms like pistols and rifles, defenses against wrestling holds, how to break free from grips on clothing and hair, and how to defend
against fist attacks.

Learn how things were historically done in the military for personal enrichment and historical study by learning from the classic knowledge of the American soldier.

Great for learning the history behind the ins-and-outs of soldering principles developed by the U.S. military. Not just for military personnel, this book is a great gift for outdoors enthusiasts, backpackers, campers, hikers, hunters, scouts, military history enthusiasts, and veterans!

A part of the Military Manual Series.

This Doublebit Historic Edition reprint of Unarmed Defense for the American Soldier - FM 21-150 (1942) is professionally restored and presented from the original facsimile source with the highest degree of fidelity possible.

Readers can enjoy this historic Civilian Reference Edition reissue for generations to come and learn from its timeless knowledge.

Military manuals contain essential knowledge about self-sufficiency, historic skills, and security.

Unfortunately, many great military books, field manuals, and technical guides over the years have become out of print, less available, and harder to find.

These have either been rescinded by the armed forces or are otherwise out of print due to their age.

This does not mean that these texts are worthless or “out of date” – in fact, the opposite is true!

It is true that the US Military frequently updates its manuals as its protocols have changed based on the times and combat situations that our armed services face.

However, much of the history of the U.S. military through its publications is timeless!

By publishing the Military Manual Series, it is our goal to do what we can to preserve and share historic military works, such as army field manuals (the FM series), technical manuals (the TM series), Naval Training Publications, and other military books from other branches that hold timeless knowledge about self-sufficiency, security, outdoors life, navigation, and survival.

Through remastered reprint editions of military handbooks and field manuals, we can preserve the knowledge of time-tested skills and institutional knowledge that was learned through hard lessons and training by the U.S. Military and our expert soldiers.

321 pages.