Ninja Caltrops- Handmade- 50 Pack- Small

$89.95 $79.95

These are my small caltrops.

They are about half the weight of my larger caltrops and take up a lot less space if you carry them with you.

They stand approximately 1 1/2" to 1 3/4" high and no matter how you throw them they always have 1 point facing up.

These are hand made out of welded heavy gauge steel wire.
 Some people buy the small caltrops to carry with them to stop someone from chasing them.

You can drop them behind you and the person chasing you steps on them, crippling them long enough for you to get away.

Great for women who have to walk alone.

These are great for use on your property and around your house to deter intruders.

They are perfect for putting under your windows to stop people looking in or entering your house.

They are great for protecting hunting camps and vacation properties from illegal poaching and trespassers and stop people from driving on your property.

I have green to blend in with grass and around bushes.

The black are for using on blacktop.

The gray blend in with concrete or dirt.

The oiled ones also blend in with dirt especially if you let them rust naturally and the white ones work in snow or white gravel or shells.

The painted ones are painted with multiple coats of metal enamel and the finish is baked on for toughness.

The oiled ones have a light coating of oil to help prevent rust which will have to be renewed occasionally.

You may also choose to let them rust naturally so they blend into the ground better.