Adams Rite Wire- Used to exploit the commonly unshielded keyways of mortise cylinders on commercial doors.
Commercial Door Hook- Quickly opens the industry standard hookbolt and deadbolt mechanisms found on many commercial doors.
Padlock Bypass Driver- Used to attack common padlocks with unshielded keyways, enabling you to open the lock as easily as a key.
0.006” Notched Decoder- Designed for precision decoding and bypassing of wheeled combination locks.
0.010” Notched Decoder- Not all locks require the more delicate 0.006” Notched Decoder.
This thicker version is far more durable, and made specifically for locks with larger gaps.
Knife tool- Makes short work of many unshielded padlocks with spring-loaded locking lugs.
Credit Card Latch Slipper- For quickly slipping door latch mechanisms.
OD Green Tradecraft Case- High-quality, pocket-sized tool case with a quiet magnetic closure.
This is the best value lock bypass kit on the market.
Comparably-priced kits feature half the number of tools, and typically do not include a case.