All too often travelers and outdoor enthusiasts get sick, injured,
or worse.
Learn how to prevent and cure a wide range of ailments whether at home, abroad, or in the wilderness.
Discover how to heal yourself, because this comprehensive manual has all the information you need.
Get it now.
A Wilderness Medicine Handbook Like No Other.
Diagnoses and treatments for a wide range of injuries and illnesses.
How to improvise what you need when modern medicine isn't available.
Pharmaceuticals, medicinal plants, veterinary substitutes, and other alternative remedies.
Preventative methods so you don't get sick/injured in the first place.
Safe use and dosage instructions for suggested medications.
Sample wilderness medicine kit that you can take on a commercial flight.
Information for Each Condition Contains:
A brief description.
Possible symptoms.
Appropriate treatment(s) depending on the situation.
Other supplementary information, e.g., causes, prevention, alternative remedies, complications.
A 2-Part Wilderness Medicine Field Guide.
Quickly find what you're looking for in an emergency situation.
Part I is must-read information covering:
Learn how the body's systems work individually and as a whole.
This makes diagnoses easier.
Prevention Medicine:
Prevention is the best cure.
Learn how to avoid getting sick and/or injured in the first place.
First Aid Kit:
An inventory and simple explanation of a first aid kit for travelers.
Medications Guide:
Information on the safe use of the medications in this book.
Immediate First Aid:
What to do in life-threatening medical situations.
Secondary Exam:
A secondary exam will help you to make an accurate medical diagnosis.
Moving a Patient:
Safe ways to move a patient.
Part II is diagnoses and treatments.
It is uniquely categorized by cause and/or body area to enable
quick searching.
Tropical diseases, heat and cold injuries, plants and animals, jetlag, etc.
Headaches, brain injuries, ears, eyes, and nose infections,
dental issues, etc.
Shock, dehydration, diabetes, etc.
Diarrhea, constipation, food poisoning, motion sickness, etc.
STI's, pregnancy, UTI's, etc.
Skin disorders, nail injuries, splinters, etc.
Sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, etc.
Asthma, strep-throat, bronchitis, cold and flu, pneumonia, etc.
... and much more.
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560 pages.