The book explores the origins of different lock designs and the mistakes that design engineers make when they create new locks.
It explains the countless ways that locks remain at risk for attack.
The author explains the latest lock designs and technology, as well as how to assess whether a specific solution will work for you depending on your individual security requirements and use case.
You'll also find:
Ways to differentiate between fatally flawed locks and solid,
secure options
Several relevant and real-world case examples of catastrophic lock design failures that led to monetary loss, property damage,
or bodily harm
Examinations of lock security from the perspectives of forced entry, covert entry, and key-control
An instructive and indispensable roadmap to locks and physical security, Tobias on Locks and Insecurity Engineering is the perfect guide for security and information technology professionals, design engineers, risk managers, law enforcement personnel, intelligence agents, regulators, policymakers, investigators, lawyers, and more.
720 pages.