Book- The Self-Defense Handbook: The Best Street Fighting Moves and Self-Defense Techniques

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Teach Yourself Self-Defense!

Inside this four-part self-defense training manual, you will learn:

The Principles of Self-Defense.
The information in this section is more valuable from a self-defense point of view than any of the individual techniques.

Basic Self-Defense Techniques.
Simple and effective moves to escape your attacker(s) and get to safety.

Advanced Strikes & Strategies.
Use these tactics when the basic self-defense techniques are too aggressive, such as in a "friendly" pub or schoolyard brawl.

Weapon Disarms.
Advanced lessons on how to disarm an attacker and fight multiple opponents.

This is the only self-defense training manual you need, because these are the best street fighting moves around.

Get it now.

Discover Real Street Fighting Tactics

The best target areas for self-defense and which strikes to use.

How to achieve street fighting knockouts.

Ground fighting techniques for self-defense.

Easy to apply strategies for attack and defense.

The correct way to use choke holds and how to escape them.

The best self-defense objects from everyday items.

Weapon vs weapon street fighting training.

How to adapt what you learn to any situation.

Adapted From Proven Street Fighting Styles

This no-nonsense self-defense training manual focuses on the most effective techniques from a wide variety of martial arts, including (but not limited to):

Jeet Kune Do (Bruce Lee's martial art)

Vortex Control Self-Defense (eclectic self-defense)

Kali/Escrima Arnis (Filipino weapon-based martial arts)

Wing Chun (efficient Chinese martial art)

Krav Maga (Israel military)

Systema (Russian military)

Mixed Martial Arts (strikes and ground fighting)

…and more.

Teach yourself self-defense that works, because this is one of the best street fighting books around.

120 pages