Book- The Preparatory Manual of Explosives: The Revision: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Laboratory Processes for the Preparation of Highly Energetic Materials

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Highly Technical Manual

Chapter 1:


Black Powder or Gunpowder.
Physical Tests for Determining Explosives and other properties.

Dangerous (Hazardous) Chemicals and Other Materials. Azeotropic

Distillation Procedure.

Chapter 2:

The Acids and their Oxides.

NITRIC ACIDNitrogen Oxide (Nitric oxide).

Nitrogen Pentoxide (Dinitrogen pentoxide, Nitric anhydride).

Nitrogen Tetraoxide (Nitrogen Peroxide, Nitrogen Dioxide).

Chapter 3:

Ammine or Ammoniate Coordination compounds and Amides. AMIDES.

Chapter 4:

TNT. Preparation of TNT (1-2-3 method; preferred method).

Chapter 5: Ammonium Nitrate. Preparation of ammonium nitrate.

AMATOL, "Military Nitrate of Ammonia". Amatol, Analytical Procedures.

AMMONIT (German).

Ammonium Nitrate Blasting Explosive.

Chapter 6:

Acetylene and Acetylides.

Chapter 7:

RDX and HMX.

Chapter 8:

Nitrocellulose and Nitro Starch.

Chapter 9:


Chapter 10:

Chlorates, Perchlorates, and Nitrates.

Chapter 11:

Azides and Nitrides.

Chapter 14:


Chapter 16:


Chapter 17:


Chapter 18:


Chapter 19:


Chapter 20:


Chapter 21:


Chapter 22:

Phenol salts.

Chapter 24:

Aluminum Explosives.

Chapter 25:

Organic Azides.

Chapter 26:

Diazodinitrophenol and The AZO’s.

Chapter 27:

Poly Nitro Benzenes.

Chapter 28:

Methane Derivatives.

Chapter 29:

Nitro Benzenes.

Chapter 30:

Nitro Saccharines’.

Chapter 31:


Chapter 32:

Ethane derivatives.

Chapter 33:

High-energy Plasticizers.

Chapter 34:

Organic Nitrates and Perchlorates.

Chapter 35:

Cyclic Nitramines.

Chapter 36:

Phenyl Amines.

Chapter 37:

Nitrate Ester Nitramine’s.

Chapter 38:

Ureas’ and Guanidines.

Chapter 39:

Poly Organic Nitrates’.

Chapter 40:


Chapter 41:


683 pages.