Book- Survival Wisdom & Know How: Everything You Need to Know to Subsist in the Wilderness

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Survival Wisdom & Know-How is the ultimate all-in-one survival guide; filled to the brim with information on every aspect of outdoor life and adventure, from orienteering to campfire cooking to ice climbing
and more.

480 Pages!

Culled from dozens of respected books from Stackpole -- the industry's leader in outdoor adventure -- this massive collection of wilderness know-how leaves absolutely nothing to chance when it comes to surviving and thriving outdoors.

Topics include:


Building an Outdoor Shelter

Hunting and Tracking Animals

Tying Knots

Identifying Edible Plants and Berries

Surviving in the Desert

Fishing and Ice Fishing

Canoeing, Kayaking, and White Water Rafting

And so much more!

Useful illustrations and photos throughout make it easy to browse
and use.

With contributions by the experts at the National Outdoor Leadership School as well as the editors of Stackpole's Discover Nature series, this book is the definitive, must-have reference for the great outdoors.

480 Pages