For centures, sword masters like Miyamoto Musashi have been revered, and have fascinated and inspired people everywhere.
Now, in his definitive work, Masaaki Hatsumi, the world's most famous living budo and ninja grandmaster, shares his vast knowledge of Japanese sword fighting as it's been practiced through the ages: its history, techniques, styles, and core philosophies, along with the deepest secrets of this venerable martial art.
Hatsumi covers a variety of classical techniques, including ninja kenpo and two-sword fighting, and also demonstrates applications using the stick, spear, naginata, and kusarigama.
He then explores such secret techniques as those involving armor, and the mutodori (no-sword) forms, considered the ultimate samurai skill.
Detailed demonstration photos, works of calligraphy by famous samurai artists, historical scrolls, and illustrations enhance the text.
Within Hatsumi's technical descriptions and musings on the history of bushido (the way of the warrior) are sections in which he places budo and sword fighting in their cultural context, discusses their practical applications, and conveys his personal philosophy of promoting a world of peace and tolerance.
240 pages.