Book- Explosives and Blasting: Commercial Blasting Handbook, Ideal for Miners, Contractors and Engineers

$44.95 $37.95

Would you like to make the transition from beginning blaster to an explosives specialist?

This commercial blasting handbook is Ideal for miners, contractors

& engineers.

Want to shoot a boulder or an 800 hole pattern?

From small projects to large, we have you covered.

Sixth Edition 2022 updates include alternative 1.4 blasting, large rock quarry pattern blasting, precision presplit blasting and safety.

This book includes hundreds of photos and diagrams as well as interactive QR codes that you can scan with your smart phone to watch videos on the topic being covered.

This book covers explosives regulation from ATF, DOT, MSHA and other federal agencies.

It also includes information on explosive materials ranging from dynamite, emulsions, RDX, Det Cord, shaped charged and various types of blasting caps and their applications.

Blasting applications include drilling and blasting rock, boulders and oversized rock, precision presplit, shooting stumps and cutting trees, mining, construction and demolition.

This book is written in plain English with many photos, diagrams and videos ideal for the beginning blaster.

With 334 pages written over the span of 13 years, we will teach some old dogs a few new tricks too.

Written by Jack W Peters, President of American Explosives Group with contributions from a large group of professional blasters.

Also the blaster on Discovery Channel's Treasure Quest (2018) and Netflix's Pirate Gold of Adak Island (2022).

Scan QR codes to watch videos.

Official training text book for the American Explosives Group.

334 pages.