As a result of the recent efforts by some to defund and cripple our Police, we must sadly realize that our chances of facing an armed assault, an armed robbery, a terrorist attack, or an active shooter are now higher than they have ever been in modern history.
How prepared are you?
Are you even prepared at all?
If you aren't, you cannot put it off, because when and if that awful time comes, you need to be ready.
You owe it to yourself and the loved ones who also depend on you for their survival.
We all know there is no magic force field that can completely protect someone from harm, but there is much you can do.
In this book, Hall-of-Famer and tactical instructor Ernest Emerson lays out the framework for a plan of action, and necessary skills you need to survive and to protect the lives of those you love.
Drawing from over 40 years of experience teaching these skills to both civilians and elite professionals, be warned, this book is not politically correct or timid and Emerson pulls no punches in telling it “like it is.”
In this greatly expanded revision, now Volumes 1 and 2, you will learn what you need to know and what you need to do in order to survive the deadly attack of an active shooter in a mall, theater, in the street, in a school, or even in your own home.
Discussed in this comprehensive manual for survival are the strategies and survival tactics you need to protect you and innocents.
Some of the topics covered are; The Protocols of Action, the Process of an Attack, the Dangers of the Bias for Normalcy, along with the Principles of Pre-Emptive Self-Defense and the knowledge of Active Counter Measures you will need to know and use should the evil of Extreme Violence come to knock on your door.
Also included are bonus chapters on Legal Advice for Self-Defense and the Deadly Threat as well as school security and the menace of bullying and how to protect and prevent your child from becoming its victim.
279 pages.