Book- 31 Days to Survival: A Complete Plan for Emergency Preparedness

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If you're new to prepping and want to make sure you're prepared for anything, "31 Days to Survival: A Complete Plan for Emergency Preparedness" is the book for you.

Author M.D. Creekmore has laid out a unique step-by-step checklist of skills to learn, projects to build, and supplies to stockpile, all on a small budget.

Over the course of 31 days, Creekmore guides you through everything you need to know to survive a long-term disaster. From building a home security plan to storing and preserving food, from finding and purifying water to mastering first aid, this book covers it all.

But this isn't just a book about what to do - it's a book about how to do it.

Each day's lesson includes clear, concise instructions and practical advice, so you can learn the skills and put them into practice right away.

And while the book is perfect for beginners, even experienced preppers will find new tips and tricks to add to their emergency preparedness plans.

Don't wait until it's too late to start preparing for the unexpected. Order your copy of "31 Days to Survival" today and invest a month of your time for survival skills and knowledge that will last a lifetime.

158 pages.